The Use of Experience of Poland in Teaching Foreign Languages at Ukrainian Universities

UDC 81’243:378.016                         

Nadiya Petrovska  – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Translation Department of Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European University

© Petrovska N., 2018

The importance of teaching foreign languages at higher educational institutions at present stage of Ukraine’s development is emphasized.

The article analyses the main innovative effective methods of teaching foreign languages at Universities of Poland and use of this country’s experience for improvement of methods of teaching at higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

Key words: experience, Poland, Ukraine, higher educational institution, innovative methods of teaching foreign languages


The general theoretical outline of the problem and its importance. Education is one of the most important aspects of a state restoration and of its formation. The Law of Ukraine «On Education» will be put into effect gradually. We are interested in teaching foreign languages, the relevance of which is beyond doubt. In order to move in the right direction, it is necessary to take the useful experience of other states, which level of education and development exceeds Ukraine’s progress.

The article will consider the peculiarities of teaching English in Poland, as this country often attracts the young people of Ukraine as a place for higher professional education, Master’s degrees, postgraduate studies, etc.

The aim of the article is to analyze the main innovative effective methods of teaching foreign languages ​​at higher educational institutions of Poland and to use the best practices of this country in the study of foreign languages ​​in Ukraine.

The task is to study the methodology of teaching English at higher education institutions in Poland and to use it in order to improve the learning process and eliminate disadvantages in Ukrainian higher education.

Presentation of the material and reasoning the acquired results of the investigation. Teaching foreign languages ​​is impossible without the selection of effective methods. Many Ukrainian and Polish researchers and educators investigated this problem.  They are Karovsky M., Komorovska H., Mikhailenko O. V.,  Moshynska A., Sayenko N. C., Sheverun N., Tarnopolsky O. B., Vyshnitsky J.,            Zagroukio L. O., Zdebsky Z.

The purpose of studying foreign languages ​​is not to master the vocabulary and grammatical structures, but to develop the ability to communicate in a foreign language. H. Komorovska established the factors contributing to the successful learning of a foreign language. They are as following: the initiative and active approach to the tasks, that is the student himself will find effective forms of work and organize his own education; formation of compensatory abilities (verbal guessing, ability to get acquainted with possession of insufficient volume of linguistic units); application of various teaching methods for solving the tasks;  ability to find the necessary additional material;  faith in his own ability, proper self-esteem; high level of motivation; readiness to discuss their progress in studying with others [3, 25–29].

One of the important points in teaching foreign languages ​​is the creation of pedagogical conditions for the activation of students’ educational and cognitive activities and the productive realization of technologies for the acquisition of knowledge. This means the development of variation methodological teaching systems that include the technology of providing motivation for learning, the selection of content, materials, methods, techniques, organizational forms of a rational combination of the presentation of the material by the teacher and the student’s independent training, the preparation of differentiated, professionally directed exercise complexes, the definition of guidelines for educational and cognitive activities [5, 19].

Comparing the methodology and organization of the process for teaching English in foreign higher education institutions, it is necessary to pay attention to the problems faced by the teachers of Ukrainian universities: a small number of hours allocated to studying English, insufficient material and technical support, low English language skills when entering the university [2].

An important factor in the high level of learning English is the desire of students to learn a foreign language, that is raising their level of consciousness and  orientation of students to the future. In Ukraine the requirements for pan-European levels of language education have been known for more than a decade, but Ukrainian higher education institutions still do not adhere to the strict boundaries of these levels: the borderline (Threshold or B1), advanced (Vantage or B2), autonomous (Effective Operational Proficiency or C1) and competent (Mastery or C2), accepting students with a level below B1, which is unacceptable for higher education institutions of European level.

At the Universities of Poland, besides using authentic English-language materials, teachers and students are attracted to bilingual courses in teaching the discipline. That is, the same subject is provided in the state language and English, thus, encouraging students to study abroad, but enabling them to access more comprehensible material if it is too difficult for a student to understand a particular subject in English. A student, having a bilingual course, increases the level of English language proficiency, and the knowledge of the profile / non-core subject.

In Ukraine English is usually offered only to foreigners, and isolated cases of duplicate profile items in English are a good trend that should be supported and developed.

With regard to the use of English in publications, it is worth noting that the students in Poland willingly defend diplomas in English. In Ukraine, the introduction of English in the educational process of other disciplines is not always supported even by departments and deans.

In Poland the literature and teaching aids used in the learning process can be in English. But the use of literature in other languages ​​is allowed and in this no restrictions exist. A student chooses the material that is best suited for writing a particular task or preparing homework. Therefore, in parallel with English, it can be used in Polish as well as in Russian, Ukrainian or other languages. English language teaching programs are not only popular among foreigners. Many Polish students who have completed a Bachelors degree in the UK or other Western European countries, then return to continue their studies at the magistracy already at home. The reason for this is the high cost of higher education there and relatively available one in Poland. Therefore, the ability to continue studying in English is very convenient.

Let’s consider concrete effective methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in Poland, which should be borrowed in our teaching activities. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​can be grouped. The first group included traditional teaching methods: communicative, grammar-translated, audio-linguistic, direct, group, constructivist, and project method. The second one is innovative methods. The question and answer method of the Academy of Sciences (akademii nauki) is a specially developed system of repetitions and questions that promotes the memory of the material; fast paced learning because there is no need to translate the training material. In addition, the feature of teaching foreign languages ​​at the Universities in Poland is the replacement of the teacher of each semester throughout the entire period of study. Changes of lecturers are characteristic to understand different accents and intonations [4]. Method «Otwarcie» is a gradual learning: firstly, to perceive the information by hearing, then to develop communication skills, and then to master the graphic skills and grammar basics. The main feature of this method is the regular watching feature films (for example, every two weeks), as well as the creation of a situation for a student abroad owing to the elements of interactivity. Dual method (metoda dualna) consists in the alternate teaching of a foreign language by a Polish teacher and a native speaker. At the classes with the Polish lecturer, students are introduced to new material, train in spelling, interpreting texts. The material examined is then fixed when communicating with the native speaker. Distance learning methods (metody dystansowe e-learning) are modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​for students of distance learning or distance learning. They are supplemented by traditional meetings with a teacher who serves as a teacher-consultant. This combination is effective because the knowledge and skills gained during online student training, which is also supervised by the teacher, is improved during traditional meetings [7]. The third group includes the authors methods of Polish scholars. Thus, B. Broniarka’s method involves reading the text aloud and its analysis in the form of translation (word-for word and literary), initially from a foreign language into Polish, and then from Polish into a foreign one. After that, students learn new lexical units and fix grammar rules. This method requires creative thinking and student activity. Its essence consists in the conscientious repetition of the samples transmitted by the teacher and in the context of possession of a foreign language. L. Shkutnik’s method is based on dialogical speech, which provides the mechanical assimilation of certain structures. Z. Brześkiewicz’s method involves the use of popular lyrics texts by favorite artists, as well as proverbs, sayings, and aphorisms [1].

Innovative technologies of teaching foreign languages ​​in Polish higher education institutions include the technology of modular-rating training, problem-based, and distance learning. Each of these technologies has its own peculiarities in the methodology, organization and control of learning [6, 233]. Advantages of modular rating training: independent and regular work of students during the year; choice of training course; taking into account all types of student activity; increasing the efficiency of the learning process; timely adjustment of learning outcomes.

Summary and perspectives of further investigations. In the practice of teaching foreign language students in higher education institutions in Poland traditional, innovative and information and communication technologies are used, the basis of which is the development of active cooperation between students and teachers. Thus, the article describes innovative methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in higher education institutions in Poland, which should be borrowed by Ukrainian universities. The perspective direction of our further research is the development of the latest methods in teaching foreign languages, using and improving the experience of Poland and other countries.

Resources and Literature

  1. Загоруйко Л.О. Інноваційні методи навчання іноземних мов: досвід Польщі  [Electronic Resource]. Updated : 10.09.2018. URL :…/Zagoruiko%20L.%20.pdf (date of request: 08.10.2018).
  2. Саєнко Н. С. Стан та перспективи викладання іноземних мов у НТУУ «КПІ». [Electronic Resource]. Updated: 01.09.2018.  URL : (date of request: 08.10.2018).
  3. Komorowska H. Kształcenie języków obcych. Polska a Europa. Warszawa : wydawnictwo academica swps, 2007. 236 s.
  4. Moszyńska A. Metody kształcenia języków obcych w politechnikach. Warszawa, 2008. 36 s.
  5. System kształcenia języków obcych w wyższych uczelniach technicznych. Warszawa, 2008. 39 s.
  6. Wużnycki J. Współczesne technologii pedagogiczne. Toruń : Wydaw. Adam Marszałek, 2005. 565 s.
  7. Zdębski Z. Metody kształcenia języków obcych w politechnikach.  Warszawa, 2008. 32 s.


Петровська Надія. Використання українськими університетами досвіду Польщі у викладаннi іноземних мов. Підкреслюється важливість викладання іноземних мов у вищих навчальних закладах на сучасному етапі розвитку України. У статті аналізуються основні інноваційні ефективні методи навчання іноземних мов у університетах Польщі та використання досвіду цієї країни для покращення методики викладання  у вишах України.

Ключові слова: досвід, Польща, Україна, вищій навчальний заклад, інноваційні методи викладання іноземних мов.


Петровская Надежда. Использование украинскими университетами опыта Польши в преподавании иностранных языков. Подчеркивается важность преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе развития Украины. В статье анализируются основные инновационные эффективные методы преподавания иностранных языков в университетах Польши и использование опыта этой страны для улучшения методики преподавания в высших учебных заведениях Украины.

Ключевые слова: опыт, Польша, Украина, высшее учебное заведение, инновационные методы преподавания иностранных языков.

  © Petrovska N., 2018

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